Marketing Series: Part 1: The Cost of Marketing
Instructor: Nora McDougall-Collins
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Instead of starting your marketing efforts with $$$, let’s start by considering the practices you can add every day that build sales to current customers and the people you see through the day. From there, let’s move up a notch to the marketing opportunities that take time, but show the advantages your business has. Those first two steps can set the stage for investing $$$ into marketing!
Topics included in this course:
Time vs Dollars
- It’s not really FREE: the Cost of Writing Content
- Effective content is only somewhat more expensive than ineffective content
- It’s not really FREE: the Cost of Images
- The cost of all the things you could do
- Billboards, business cards, flyers, radio ads, print ads
- Plan on spending the creation time once
This workshop will be part lecture with facts and figures and part discussion.